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The Tragedy of Running an Old Node Project

Sad stick figure next to gatsby logo

Updating my website

It’s been a long while since I wrote anything on this site. The framework I used was Gatsby which in 2020 was one of the hot ways of getting a good looking blog up and running quickly. With over 41 dependencies, and god knows how many more sub-dependencies, this thing was a beast.

Time to run it after not touching it for nearly 4 years.

How hard could it be to run an old node project?

Pretty hard actually.

npm install

<1000 lines of red and failures later>

Failure could not find python2...

What? Why do I need python2 to install a node package. What’s it doing? Do I have python2? There probably something wrong with this old node_modules folder. Let me delete it.

rm -rf node_modules/
npm install


Failure could not find python2

Okay, you win. I’ll install python2 even though this is ridiculous.

30 mintues later after fiddling with installing python2 using pyenv, hoping to not ruin my python3 setup, I finally got python2.

The complexity grows. What am I getting myself into

npm install


npm remove_cv_t’ is not a member of ‘std’; did you mean ‘remove_cv’

What? That looks like C, or maybe C++. Why the heck is C++ code building so that I can install some node packages that just manage basic web files.

Some Google searching and I land on a GitHub issues page for node-gyp and apparently my C++ version is below 14. That does not seem right. I’ve got to have something really wrong because I’m down the wrong path.

Then it dawns on me. Do I have the right node version or is there another one I used 4 years ago back in 2020? The only one in my node version manager is v16.

I tried doing some Googling on how to know what node version was used in a package.json. Turns out you can’t unless the project specifically sets it.. and I didn’t. Great.

Now all I’m thinking is “Please let me find this node version because I don’t want to start over with this blog site.” Then I stumble upon another GitHub issues page facing a similar C++ compile error. And they mention a broken build using v12.3 and the user should revert back to v12.2

I install node v12 and everything works.

Two hours of my life gone, just to pick up where I left off.

I’m tired and going to bed.