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How To Download A File using ReasonML

The solution is to use javascript. For now.

Some of the methods we use here, such as Blob aren’t yet implemented in ReasonML (or I just couldn’t find them), so we need to put some javascript into our ReasonML code using interop.

Here’s a working version using codesandbox you can play with.

Javascript Interop

In ReasonML, you can wrap javascript with [%bs.raw {| ...code goes here... |}] and it is accessible to the Reason code.

How Downloading works

First, we create a blob (Binary Large OBject) with our text MIME type.

var content = new Blob(["I AM TEXT"], {type: "text/plain"});

Then we create an object url that can reference the data in our Blob and we add this url to the anchor tag.

        .setAttribute("href", window.URL.createObjectURL(content));

Lastly, we set the download attribute so that we can name our downloaded file.

        .setAttribute("download", fileName);

In conclusion, the link to the blob causes the browser to download the file, and gives it our name.

All the code together:


    <a href="" id="download">Download File</a>

let setupDownload = [%bs.raw
    function() {
        var fileName = "data.txt";
        var content = new Blob(["I AM TEXT"], {type: "text/plain"});

                .setAttribute("href", window.URL.createObjectURL(content));

                .setAttribute("download", fileName);
